About Me

My photo
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hi there! I love polka dots, jelly, and Greek mythology. And I would like to add that A Midsummer's Night Dream is the best play ever written. That is all.

My Art

Hello! This is a page that contains all my art. I'm considering making a new website just for this, what do you think? Please comment!
PS. I copied most of these from books, so if you recognize any of these, I'm not plagiarizing.

This one is a random monster I drew from a manga book by Chris Hart (http://www.chrishartbooks.com/). My friend Criminal (don't worry she's not actually called that and she isn't one) named it the Hoverbat, which is something I'm going to use in a story I'm writing (temporarily being called Continuoso).
 This guy's a weird evil dude I'm also using in the same story as the picture above.
 This is Maxwell the Elf, a character used in another story of mine (Acea Dfadias).
 I just drew this one to practice. Nothing special.
 I know, she looks demented. But this is one of my earlier attempts at manga (I don't actually like manga that much, I just drew it because I was at that level of experience). Sorry that it's upside down.
 Princess Delphini. This is a younger version of a character in Continuoso. One of my rare coloured ones.
 A younger version of a character in Acea Dfadias.
 Another practice one that I'm not planning to use for anything.
 I'm planning to use this one in a story, I'm not sure who yet.
 Another practice one...
Another practice. 
That's it for now! I think I am going to make a new website for all this. See you!