About Me

My photo
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hi there! I love polka dots, jelly, and Greek mythology. And I would like to add that A Midsummer's Night Dream is the best play ever written. That is all.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate Frisbee is a game we're playing at recess at school right now. It's pretty fun if most of the players are good at throwing frisbees. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.
How to play:
  1. Find a playing area
  2. Near the two ends of the area, use two markers (sweaters, rocks, etc.) to mark an invisible line which will be the goal (the frisbee can go anywhere as long as it passes over the invisible line)
  3. Divide into equal teams (well doesn't really have to be equal but that would be fairest in most cases)
  4. Decide which team has to start
  5. That team starts with one of the team members with the frisbee in the center of the playing area and tries to pass to other players on his/her team.
  6. Once you are in possession of the frisbee, you cannot take any steps.
  7. When someone on your team catches the frisbee (without dropping it, of course) behind the invisible line your team wins a point
If someone drops it, it's the other team's frisbee
If someone from the other intercepts the frisbee, it's theirs
Whoever touched the frisbee last before it dropped, the other team gets the frisbee.

Tell me if the instructions are unclear or incorrect. This is how we play it, do you have any variations?

The Story Spinner

Here is a great place to get inspiration for writing fiction stories!!!
Check it out...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Directions At The North Pole

Did you know that if you stand at the North Pole, there is only one way to go: South?
If you stand at the very top of the earth, it is not possible to go North, because you are already at the northernmost point of the earth. You can't go East or West either, because since the pole is only a point you'd walk right off earth, and there's no direction in space technically you won't be going anywhere. So the only direction left is Down (a.k.a. South). Once you've stepped (even if it's a milimetre) closer to South you'd be able to go East or West.
Basically whenever you go in a direction you're going in a circle (if you walk in a straight line from the south pole to the north pole, that's half a circle. Then if you go back to the south pole it'll be a full circle. Get it?). It's just that some of the circles are bigger than others. Eg. If you are one meter away from the north pole and go from East to West your circle will be very small since you're only one meter away. By contrast, if you go from East to West on the Equator, your circle will be huge.
Hope that made sense. It helps if you have a picture to look at while you're reading this. The same applies to the South Pole.

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Art!

As you know (well most of you probably don't) I take drawing classes and, obviously, draw a lot. So I'm adding a new page called My Art where you can see all my drawings and other stuff.

International Year of the Forests

2011 is the International Year of the Forests! Just some random information my teacher told us.

Outdoor Games

Hello everyone!
Since it's summer and finally warm here in Calgary, I have made a new Label called Outdoor Fun! Obviously, this will include information about games etc. that are to be played outside. Anyways, I'll post some soon!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Sorry for not posting in such a long time.
1) I have more homework and projects at school than usual these days
2) I don't know what to post about!
Unless I finish posting reviews on all the places I went to on my trip to California (see posts in the label 'Travel' for more info on what I'm talking about).
What do you want me to post about??

Friday, May 13, 2011

D Dutchmen Dairy

The D Dutchmen Dairy has the best ice cream in the world (according to me). It's very inexpensive compared to other ice cream places. And the scoops are gigantic! Usually one is enough.
It's located in Sicamous, British Columbia.
Visit the website at http://www.dutchmendairy.ca/

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


There is a good app on iTunes for iPads, iPhones, and Androids called The Free App A Day App. Its apps give you a few free (but normally paid-for) apps.
There are many Free App A Day Apps by the same publisher (ICS Mobile) - some are free, and one is paid.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Time Travel!

Did you know that it's possible to see things the way they were in the past? It is - but the only things you can see that way (as far as I know) are stars.
Because some of the stars we see are so far away, even light takes a long time to travel from there to here. Sometimes it takes up to thousands of years! (See this article on how we see if you don't remember - otherwise this post would seem confusing and unrealistic: http://www1.curriculum.edu.au/sciencepd/readings/ligh_how.htm#1) So that means that the stars we see are actually the way they looked a long time ago.
Amazing, huh?

Happy (Late) Mothers' Day!

Happy Mothers' Day everyone! Sorry that this post is kind of late.
What did you get for your mothers? My mom insisted on a roast duck, so that's what I got her. Somehow I doubt that roast ducks are common Mothers' Day presents.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4th

May the fourth be with you!
Get it?
May the force be with you.
May the 4th be with you.

A Cute Stop-Animation On How To Make A Matchbox Pinhole Camera!

A really cool stop-animation video on how to make a camera out of a matchbox.

Worst Analogies

Here's a link that directs you to a site called The Lost Eyeball (wow) and contains 56 hilariously bad analogies written by actual high-school students.
I could do better!

Here's another one (some are repeats):

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Septimus Heap (Magyck)

A really good book series for kids is the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage. It's fantasy, and although the titles might sound weird and cheesy (Magyck, Flyte, etc.) it is actually really really good.

Septimus Heap is a wizard apprentice who goes on many adventures fighting Darke Magyck.

OK, that was short. Ah well.

To see more, go to http://www.septimusheap.com/

2011 Federal Election Results

Here are the results of the 2011 Canadian Federal Election! You can enter your postal code to find individual results in your riding, or use the interactive map to see national and provincial results.


Monday, May 2, 2011

2011 Canadian Federal Elections

Today is the national Canadian Federal Election day (Members of Parliament) where citizens 18 years old or older can vote for an MP (Member of Parliament - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_of_Parliament) that'll represent them in government. Well, something like that. I'm not that great at politics and all that.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

An Awesome Day At The Calgary Young Writer's Conference

This Saturday I attended a CBE (short for Calgary Board of Education, which is the school system I go to)-hosted conference called The Calgary Young Writer's Conference.
First all of us listened to a keynote speaker who was Tim Wynne-Jones (the Canadian author of Some Of The Kinder Planets, Rex Zero, The Uninvited, and others)! He is a very funny speaker who had us laughing for about three quarters of his entire presentation. It was very awesome.
After that we had our first sessions with other presenters. Mine was Nicole Luiken (visit her website at http://nicoleluiken.com), author of Frost, Violet Eyes, Dreamfire, and more. She talked to us about how to create a good beginning so your readers will be drawn in from Page One. I think beginnings are very important in a story as a lot of books I gave up reading had a boring beginning! I am creating a new page called StorieWriter that's all about writing and I will include her tips there, but for now you can go to http://www.storiewriter.weebly.com/ to see information about writing.
Then we had a lunch break where we could purchase snacks, eat our lunches that were brought, and browse the Bookstore (which was full of books by the authors that presented).
My second session was with Mar'ce Merrell (visit her websites at http://www.marcemerrell.com/ and http://www.thecakeprincess.blogspot.com/) who taught us how to bring our story characters to life and to know them better.
Both of my presenters were amazing.
If you go to school, check if your school or school system has a similar event. Because it's really worth attending.