About Me

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hi there! I love polka dots, jelly, and Greek mythology. And I would like to add that A Midsummer's Night Dream is the best play ever written. That is all.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Just to let you know, there will be two categories of games here: one being a recommended game, and the other being a lame/overly-violent/boring game that you shouldn't play if you don't want to waste your time. How do you know which games are good and which ones are bad? If you read it, you'll find out. But if you're in a hurry to find a good game fast, or just plain lazy, just look at the labels of each post. If it's labeled "Good", then it's good. If it's "Bad", well, you get the point. But even if you are hurried, you should probably still read the game description to see what it's about. It's at the bottom of the post.


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